Understanding IT security

19 Oct 2023
IT security is an umbrella term that includes network, internet, endpoint, application programming interface (API), cloud, application, container security and more. It’s about establishing a set of security strategies that work together to help protect your digital data. Not so long ago, IT security was a checkpoint at the end of a development cycle. It was slow. Businesses today are looking for ways to create integrated security programs, allowing them to adapt faster and more efficiently. Think of it as built-in security, rather than bolted on.
What is IT security?
IT security protects the integrity of information technologies like computer systems, networks and data from attack, damage, or unauthorised access. A business trying to compete in a world of digital transformation needs to understand how to adopt security solutions that begin with design. This is what it means to “shift security left” – to make security a part of the infrastructure and product lifecycle as early as possible. This helps security be both proactive and reactive.
Continuous security is fed by a routine system of feedback and adaptation, often handled through the use of automatic checkpoints. Automation ensures fast and effective feedback that doesn’t slow the product lifecycle down. Integrating security in this way also means that updates and responses can be implemented quickly and holistically as the security landscape changes.
Why is IT security important for business?
Traditionally, IT security was focused on fortifying, maintaining, and policing the datacentre perimeter – but today that perimeter is dissolving. The way we develop, deploy, integrate, and manage IT is dramatically changing.
Public and hybrid cloud solutions are redistributing responsibility for regulatory compliance and security across multiple vendors. The adoption of containers at scale requires new methods of analysing, securing, and updating the delivery of applications. Mobile apps are spread across a multitude of devices, and more and more infrastructure is moving from hardware to software. The traditional ways of managing security aren’t keeping up. Digital transformation demands a change in security programs – security must be continuous, integrated, and flexible in a digital world.
For some businesses, doing security right means hiring a Business Information Security Officer. BISOs are embedded in the business and involved in the product lifecycle from design to delivery and adoption. They report to the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to make sure that security concerns are thoughtfully managed and integrated at every stage, balancing security needs with risk to the business to ensure fast delivery, that functions as it should.
Defend your infrastructure
Another layer of network security is container security. This is the isolation provided by the host operating system (OS). You need a host OS that provides maximum container isolation. This is a big part of what it means to defend your container deployments environment. The host OS is enabled using a container runtime, ideally managed through an orchestration system. To make your container platform resilient, use network namespaces to sequester applications and environments, and attach storage via secure mounts. An API management solution should include authentication and authorisation, lightweight directory access protocol (LDAP) integration, end-point access controls and rate-limiting.
LoughTec has an extensive track record in assisting customers with their IT infrastructure across several sectors, including pharmaceutical, education, health, agri-food and legal. LoughTec’s specialisms include cybersecurity, remote working solutions and managed IT services.
For more information on Cyber Security for your organisation, contact LoughTec Telephone: +44 (0) 28 8225 2445 or email info@loughtec.com.