Simple tips to improve your password security – World Password Day 2022

5 May 2022
The news is full of frightening Cyber Security breach stories every day now. From small local businesses to the war in Ukraine, Cybercrime affects us all. This is another new and fresh worry – as if we didn’t have enough on our plates every day.
Look, the threat of Cybercrime and the threat actors is out there, and there is nothing we can do about that.
But what we can do is lessen the risk we face by taking some straightforward and cost-effective steps.
The first step on that journey is using secure passwords and having a routine to construct secure passwords.
Simple tips:
- Never use silly passwords like 123456 or password. They are effortless to crack.
- Make your password as long as possible.
- Use a phrase that makes no sense – e.g. pUrpleFr0gsareb3st – purple frogs are best.
- Use a few random capital letters – don’t always use them at the start and end of the password.
- Try to use numbers to replace letters.
- DO NOT use the same password on multiple applications or accounts. Once a hack takes place, the user names and passwords will be made available on the Dark Web. Using one password means that one hack will make all your accounts vulnerable in one fell swoop.
Keep cyber simple.
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